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Conestoga Oral Surgery Blog

6 Problems You Can Avoid By Extracting Your Wisdom Teeth

October 18, 2023

If you’ve ignored your wisdom teeth, talk to your dentist. Leaving your wisdom teeth in can put you at risk for quite a few dental problems. Wisdom teeth usually grown in between the ages of 17 and 25. In many cases, wisdom teeth don’t have enough space to grow properly.


Tackling Tooth Loss | Conestoga Oral Surgery

October 11, 2023

Many Americans are missing one or more teeth. This can drastically affect a patient’s self-esteem and confidence, but it is important to remember that there are replacement options available.  Read on to learn more about tooth loss and the complications that result when spaces are left vacant in the mouth.


Various Traumatic Facial Injuries Managed by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

September 12, 2023

Traumatic facial injuries happen when least expected and often require urgent management with an expert. These types of injuries can affect both the soft (skin and gum tissue) and hard (bone and cartilage) tissues of the face, mouth, and jaws.


Everything You Need To Know About TMJ Disorders

September 7, 2023

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a unique and very important joint that assists with many daily activities such as chewing and speaking. However, when this intricate joint does not function properly, it can lead to various unpleasant symptoms and difficulty with simple tasks such as opening and closing of the mouth. An overview of TMJ disorders will show how the joint itself is affected and how these debilitating disorders are treated with both conservative and surgical treatments. 


Frequently Asked Questions About Orthognathic Surgery

April 21, 2023

When you think of jaw surgery, you may naturally think of oral surgeons repairing the jaw after a traumatic incident such as a car accident or physical altercation. There are times, however, patients electively undergo surgery to correct a deficiency that results in poor chewing, difficulty with speech, or a cosmetic issue. This surgery is known as orthognathic surgery and for a specific patient population where braces with an orthodontist are not enough, this surgery can be life-changing. 


8 Unique Benefits of Dental Implants

April 10, 2023

Dental implants are a reliable tooth replacement option for patients interested in replacing missing teeth. Oftentimes, patients are frustrated with missing teeth and the stigmas that come along with this. The benefits listed below should inspire you to consider dental implants in the future.


Dental Nightguards — The Key to Solving Your Painful Dental Problems?

March 3, 2023

The dental nightguard – this little-known, cost-effective appliance can help with a range of symptoms that you may be experiencing. Many questions come to mind when considering making an investment. What is a dental night guard?  What does it treat?  Should I consider wearing a dental nightguard? Is my mouth pain or jaw pain something that would be helped by a nightguard? What should you know prior to having one made?  Explore answers to a few of your most important questions. 


Don’t Wait to Replace a Missing Tooth

January 20, 2023

Being told by your dentist that a tooth needs to be extracted brings forth a wide variety of emotions for a patient. There are many reasons that a tooth can be deemed non-restorable including heavy/deep decay, a vertical fracture, a traumatic event, and bone loss from periodontal disease. Regardless of the cause, having a missing tooth is often more than just an aesthetic issue.  Read more below to discover the many reasons a missing tooth should not be ignored.


The Benefits and Risks of Having Sedation for Children Having Oral Surgery

January 18, 2023

Many patients, including children, benefit from some sort of sedation for anxiolysis (anxiety control) when undergoing a complex oral surgery procedure. This can involve a wide range of options anywhere from receiving a pre-medication tablet to calm the nerves to full general anesthesia using intubation (breathing tube placement). Children, in particular, can benefit from sedation and in many cases, the surgery can be completed in a much safer and more stress-free environment for both the patient and their doctor.


Factors That Influence Your Long Term Dental Implant Success

October 7, 2022

Dental implants are an excellent tooth restoration alternative. They function like natural teeth and allow patients to have confidence in their smile as well as restore chewing ability. Implants are comprised of a titanium alloy and are well accepted by the body. They replace missing teeth, but must be cared for like natural teeth as well. Neglect can result in bone loss and implant failure. There are several key factors that will increase the probability of success of your dental implants that should be considered both prior to and after implant placement.


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